Materials Overview
These Materials might be worth looking into when cockpit building
- "Plexiglass" (tm) a Trademark name for PMMA ("Polymethyl methacrylate"), often also called "acrylic"
- Polystyrol/PS: sold in some German Home Improvent Stores as "Hobbyglass", (BTW: "Styropor" (tm) is also PS)
- Polycarbonate/PC: often sold under the brand names "Lexan" (tm) or "Makrolon" (tm). Commonly used to make CDs/DVDs.
- "Cutting Board Material" is usually PE-LD, sometimes maybe PE-HD.
- PE-LD: Polyethylene Low Density
- PE-HD: Polyethylne High Density
- UHMW: "UltraHigh Molecular Weight", Another Polyethylene Type, but with an extremely high density. It has some interesting properties: it is self-lubricating and can therefore be used sliding mechnisms. It is sometimes used to build the rails for DIY CNC machines/routers.
- POM: "Polyoxymethylene". Names/Tradenames: Delrin(tm), Acetal. Used in: geared wheels, zippers.
- PTFE: "Polytetrafluoroethylene". Names/Tradenames: Teflon, Halon
- PA: "Polyamide". Names/Tradenames: Nylon
- PET: "Polyethylene Terephthalate". Commonly used to make plastic beverage bottles and tapes/videotapes.
- PETG: "Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol". Names/Tradenames: Vivak, Spectar. Cheaper than PC, w/ similar properties.
- ABS: "Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene". Names/Tradenames: Cycolac(R). Used eg. to make plastic cases for electronic devices and knobs.
- PVC: "Polyvinyl Chloride".
- PUR: "Polyurethane". Used eg. in paints, foam, modelling, cushions and mattresses, sponges, car panelings.
Short descriptions of some of the above materials can be found here:
Don Lancaster has an article about "Injection molding and plastic prototyping" that he wrote for Nuts & Volts Magazine which might be interesting:
and while you are there, look around at his site This guy has had some interesting ideas.
- Aluminum (Aluminium)
- Brass: alloy of copper and cinc
- PCB material, most common is called FR-4. It consists of thin copper layer on one (or both) sides of the base material, very good material to work with, but it does dull HSS drills or steel saws quickly.