Thumbnails with Descriptions

Thumb and Description for Image 1:
This gallery shows Stephen's Bendix/King Transponder replica, specifically the KT76C.
Thumb and Description for Image 2:
The front panel plate is made from several millimeters strong polycarbonate.
The case is made from high-density cardboard.
Thumb and Description for Image 3:
The keys are either polystyrol or polycarbonate, can't remember. Filed down to size and painted white.
The white does let some light through, so it can be backlit.
Thumb and Description for Image 4:
The pushbuttons are cheap microswitches glued to the front panel using a hot glue gun.
Thumb and Description for Image 5:
The rotary selector switch is a really cheap kind, just a few cents, modified for more positions.
Again, hot glue to keep it in place.
Thumb and Description for Image 6:
The case with sticker :-)
Thumb and Description for Image 7:
The back of the front place.
Thumb and Description for Image 8:
again the back of the front plate.
Thumb and Description for Image 9:
closeup of the front panel plate.
Thumb and Description for Image 10:
The panel painted black and with legends.
Thumb and Description for Image 11:
he also painted the edges to prevent (back-)light from escaping.
Thumb and Description for Image 12:
Note that he used 'tigert' Tuomas' idea with tinted car window foil. Now you can't see the seven segment displays behind it if the display segents are not lit.
Thumb and Description for Image 13:
and the back again, clearly showing the tinted display window.
Thumb and Description for Image 14:
Doesn't look to bad for the amount of money that were put into making this.
Thumb and Description for Image 15:
To get a knob that looks similar to the real thing, Stephen had his first go at knob molding.
The materials used were not the standard stuff. Rather he used what he had at home.
The mold was made from something used to fill holes in walls (if I remember correctly).
Into that he poured hot glue, but made sure the the hot glue gun had heated up very well so the glue was as liquid as possible in order to fill in all the small structures. The original knob used to make the mold was similar, but didn't have the widened bottom part.
Thumb and Description for Image 16:
another picture of the 'made from hotglue' knob
Thumb and Description for Image 17:
The tinted cat window foil really works wonders :)
Thumb and Description for Image 18:
It almost looks like a fake... but you might be able to see the holes of the perfboard that the seven segment displays are mounted on.
Thumb and Description for Image 19:
And here are the bare displays. These are actually the displays of my B744 MCP (vert spd).
Thumb and Description for Image 20:
The XPDR unit with the knob mounted
Thumb and Description for Image 21:
all thats missing is the wiring and mounting of the displays.
Thumb and Description for Image 22:
Thumb and Description for Image 23:
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