Thumbnails with Descriptions

Thumb and Description for Image 1:
The CDU panel from above taped to a board and placed on the pedestal where the third CDU belongs.
Thumb and Description for Image 2:
The darker panel is the newer one, using a better technique.
Thumb and Description for Image 3:
Same panels, different lighting.
Thumb and Description for Image 4:
It's hard to see in these pictures, but the color of the older panels was not uniform due to the glue.
This does not happen to the newer panels since no glue is used.
Thumb and Description for Image 5:
Here are the back sides of both panels. The black is for shielding out light at non-backlit areas.
Thumb and Description for Image 6:
The old panel glued to a plexi backer and with a L-shape Aluminum for mounting.
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